Talitha Kum Ministries is dedicated to helping hurting women who have suffered personal tragedy, abuse, or loss by directing them to the Great Physician and Wonderful Counselor, Jesus Christ. This ministry is available to all women who have been hurt.
Our Purpose
In this highly technological society, an untold number of women are experiencing the devastating effects of internet pornography on their loved ones and families. Because people assume this is an isolated and private sin, they assume also that the effects are isolated. This is one of satan’s greatest lies. It effects the gazer, the family, the church and the community. While men are not the only ones engaged in pornography, for the past several years, the Rev. Dr. DeBerry has been helping hurting women deal with what is fast becoming a cultural epidemic. Statistics show a high number of professing Christians and even ministers who are involved in this explosive sin.
There are constructive ways to deal with the pain inflicted upon those who suffer from this evil onslaught designed to destroy people, marriages, and the family. Dr. DeBerry has developed a Biblically based ministry geared for helping hurting women who suffer. Additionally, she ministers to women on a broad scale basis.
It was never God’s intent that His children limp through life in anger, bitterness, strife, or emotional pain. Our Lord is not only a Saviour, but a Wonderful Counselor, and an Almighty God. This ministry is designed to help women navigate through the pain, the loneliness, the isolation, the blame, the anger, and the compounded hurt, that is not theirs to carry alone. With God’s help women and their children can experience God’s total and complete healing.